This can (and for simplicity, probably should) all be done from / command line without touching GUI.
Firstly, stop the Software Update Service if it's running: -
sudo serveradmin stop swupdate
Next, move the old config files out of the way (but keep them just in case for now).
sudo mv /Library/Server/Software\ Update/Cache /Library/Server/Software\ Update/Cache.old
(the server should automatically create a new folder after a few moments)
sudo mv /Library/Server/Software\ Update/Config/swupd.conf /Library/Server/Software\ Update/Config/swupd.conf.old
sudo mv /Library/Server/Software\ Update/Config/swupd.plist /Library/Server/Software\ Update/Config/swupd.plist.old
... and wipe the old logs and cache...
sudo rm /Library/Server/Software\ Update/Log/*
sudo rm /Library/Server/Software\ Update/Cache/*
... and the old data directory where the downloaded updates are stored...
sudo rm /Library/Server/Software\ Update/Data/*
sudo serveradmin settings swupdate:portToUse = 8088
If you use a custom Data directory for your updates (eg. you put them on a different volume), then make the directory, give ownership to softwareupdate and update the config to point at it...
sudo mkdir /Volumes/myDisk/swupdate
sudo chown -R _softwareupdate:_softwareupdate /Volumes/myDisk/swupdate
sudo serveradmin settings swupdate:updatesDocRoot = "/Volumes/myDisk/swupdate/"
One more thing, depending on the URL you use in your MDM to point clients to the server, you may need to create a soft link in the Data html folder to point clients to the software update catalog file (revise this as necessary if you moved your data folder someplace else): -
sudo ln -s /Library/Server/Software\ Update/Data/html/index-10.11-10.10-10.9-mountainlion-lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1.sucatalog /Library/Server/Software\ Update/Data/html/index.sucatalog
Ok! Now fire it back up...
sudo serveradmin start swupdate
Go make a coffee, take a walk or do something fun for awhile while it downloads the new catalogues...
After awhile, you should have a clean Software Update Server ready to start work, enjoy :)
There's a typo above. The folder is actually /Library/Server/Software\ Update/Log (not Logs as you have it).